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Bullet-proof your business

The first HSA Accredited course is now available online! We want to help you to review your business and tweak it to perfection, making sure you are prepared for the market when the time is right. The questions we hear the most when speaking to other home stagers are:

  • How do I price my services and make a profit?

  • How do I get more clients?

  • When should I buy more (or stop buying) furniture?

Why is this course different?

  • Developed by experienced stagers and business owners, including a qualified business coach with over 30 years of experience
  • Developed specifically so that you can create a successful staging business in the modern home staging market place
  • Focused on enabling you to run a successful business in a way that suits you
  • Fast-paced training sessions allowing you to complete the modules and learn efficiently
  • Ongoing coaching and learning opportunities

What our students say

" I was delighted I started the online staging course with Paloma & Elaine, it’s a very informal course which I love, they make you feel so comfortable & encourage you every step of the way to make the most of your business or start-up business opportunity! Every stage of the course is discussed in detail.

No question is frowned upon which is so important when starting off. I feel like I’m having a coffee with friends while learning new skills so that’s a plus. 

Between classes, they are both available for questions or if you need help by phone- invaluable course I think if you are starting off on a home staging business journey."

- Maura Mackey of Maura Mackey Design 


‘As someone who had no idea where to start setting up a homestaging business, the HSA business course is exactly what I needed. It has provided me with invaluable information on what I should be thinking about, things to take into consideration and where to start! At first, this was all very daunting for me but having both Paloma & Elaine to guide me through and with their own experiences in the industry - it has been extremely helpful and encouraging.I have also signed up as a HSA member where there is a huge amount of material and resources for both industry beginners and established businesses. Thank you Paloma & Elaine - Looking forward to learning more in Module II!'

- Amy Cooper, HSA Member

Course content

Sessions are 1h30 long each.

Module I: Pricing

  • Revenue Streams 
  • Understanding your business
  • Setting your goals
  • Pricing Structure
  • How to price your services